We're so excited for you to find your instrument! Here is a short guide on where to get your instrument as well as common accessories that will help you play your best.
We recommend staying offline and shopping local to support your community! The store assistants are also there to help you find a great fit for what you need! For smaller or younger players, an assistant can help you find an instrument in a size that is comfortable for the player. It is best to try playing a few options, and pick the one that feels good to play, has a nice sound, and is within your budget. Keep in mind, the more you can budget, often the better the instrument sounds and is easier to play.
We recommend staying offline and shopping local to support your community! The store assistants are also there to help you find a great fit for what you need! For smaller or younger players, an assistant can help you find an instrument in a size that is comfortable for the player. It is best to try playing a few options, and pick the one that feels good to play, has a nice sound, and is within your budget. Keep in mind, the more you can budget, often the better the instrument sounds and is easier to play.
VIOLIN / VIOLA / UPRIGHT BASSWhere to rent or buy: LOCAL BUSINESS - Christian Eggert Violins - rent-to-own or buy or repair. Local experts, lutherie, and repair - Ekroth Music - rent-to-own or buy - Schmitt Music - rent-to-own or buy Common Accessories: rosin, shoulder rest (violin & viola), microfiber cloth, humidifier ("Dampit" humidifier or an "in-case" humidifier), tuner, extra set of strings, music stand, metronome |
PIANOWhere to buy: - Ekroth Music - Schmitt Music Common Accessories: metronome, bench, and keyboard stand and pedal (for electric keyboards) KEYBOARD OR PIANO Electric Pianos & Keyboards: Electric Pianos don't need to be tuned, are more portable, and may have extra features (such as built-in metronomes, headphone-capability, different sounds, connect to the computer, etc.). Try to purchase a keyboard with "weighted" keys to build proper finger technique. Pianos: Often listed for free online (need to pay to move). Needs to be tuned once or twice annually. Best for building finger-strength. Good sound-quality. Expressive dynamic range (quiet to loud). |
GUITAR / UKULELE / BASS GUITARWhere to buy: LOCAL BUSINESS - Flatland Guitar - Local experts, lutherie, and repair - Ekroth Music - Schmitt Music Common Accessories: capo, case, tuner, music stand, metronome, extra set of strings, picks (guitars and bass guitars), straps (guitars and bass guitars), amplifier and 1/4" cable (for electric instruments), humidifier (for acoustic instruments) ELECTRIC OR ACOUSTIC GUITAR Electric guitars: Require electricity and accessories such as cables, amps, and pedals. Can be played quietly with headphones or loudly with amplifier. Ability to explore many styles with purchase of pedals. Can be easier on the fingers to play and often have narrow necks that are more comfortable in the hand. Acoustic Guitars: Distinct acoustic sound quality unattainable for electric guitars. Can be played without electricity or amplifier. Some models have the option to plug into an amplifier. |